Where have you been?

by journieus

On the edge of water bay

Purposeful, steady and slow

Steps in mud, gravel, broken shells

Tree limbs line the sand, this arduous terrain

Obstacles, it’s false evidence

to turn back, retrace foot steps

The veil of Weariness yeilds

Gracefully a power, a source, an intuitive nudge moves gently, gently

Trust. Step. Believe. Step.

Continue on. Step, step, step

On the edge water bay

messages in the earth

sand, water, wind

sun peaks from behind the mountain range clouds cascade over the peaks. It’s not to high to reach

Their beauty Their purpose, like you

We all matter amongst the chaos – my purpose, our purpose in every breath

Mindful steps color the mystery

in love, in faith, their lessons do, as hate and fear we need them too

Keep going, take pause to notice


what life is really saying to you

You matter, your life matters -purposely true

Make the most of each day

doing what you find

let go of hurry, worry, ambiguous pride

Move in faith, humility , compassion

Higher Power’s Grace is always upon you.

step into it. . . step, step, step…

Allow it to empty your being

and drink from the cup of surrender….to what is
